It's Friday! I am so happy for this!
First off, I have my Internet back (squirrels chewed our outside line), I am pretty sure I had bouts of withdrawal. Second, this weekend is jam packed with sports! The Milwaukee Brewers are playing at home for the playoffs Saturday and Sunday, Wisconsin Badgers play, and then of course to top it off, Green Bay Packers play Sunday!
But First...It's time to link up with Lauren for Fill In the Blank Friday!
1. My current obsession is redesigning my blog...I am not the one doing it necessarily but I am still obsessing! .
2. That there is actually sun outside today makes me happy.
3. My greatest strength is drinking more than the average guy (thank you Germany!) :) .
4. _Not being book smart is my greatest weakness.
5. My life is doing better. Lately it seems like all the bad stuff has happened at once but I am trying to be optimistic.
6. In high school I was in choir, in soccer, and co-captain of the cheerleading squad my senior year .
7. When I'm super tired I don't make any sense when talking..and i actually slur my words .